SQL Wikipedia

The output shows us the highest salaries in the Corporate and Private Individuals department. However, we want to show only those employees basis sql whose salaries are either above $5,000 or below $3,000. We do that by using the logical operator OR and the comparison operators in WHERE.

Types of SQL queries

SQL programming language uses various commands for different operations. We will learn about the like DCL, TCL, DQL, DDL and DML commands in SQL with examples. The first type of basic sql queries is create a table in SQL. I have already explained different examples and ways to create a table in SQL. DQL supports various aggregate functions that allow you to perform calculations on groups of rows and return single values. Common aggregate functions include COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX.

Selecting Two Columns From One Table and Ordering Descendingly by Two Columns

They are often used for tasks like calculating cumulative sums and ranking rows. DQL enables you to combine data from multiple tables using JOIN operations. INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN are common types of joins. Data Query Language (DQL) forms the foundation of SQL and is indispensable for retrieving and analyzing data from relational databases. With a solid understanding of DQL commands and concepts, you can extract valuable insights and generate reports that drive informed decision-making. Whether you’re a database administrator, data analyst, or software developer, mastering DQL is essential for effectively working with databases.

  • Views are virtual tables created by defining a query in SQL.
  • Data Query Language (DQL) forms the foundation of SQL and is indispensable for retrieving and analyzing data from relational databases.
  • It is used when you want to show the total values for each group but you want to include only specific rows in the sum.
  • Only one of the conditions must be met for a result to be returned.
  • Selecting the appropriate SQL variant or subset depends on your specific project requirements, existing database systems, and familiarity with the SQL flavor.

We’re looking forward to getting together in-person with the community for two days, sharing our work and learning more about Prestissimo. Tutorials Point is a leading Ed Tech company striving to provide the best learning material on technical and non-technical subjects. This query retrieves orders where either the customer ID is 1, and the order date is on or after January 1, 2023, or the total amount is greater than 1000. This query groups customers by country and calculates the count of customers in each country.


Data Query Language (DQL) is a critical subset of SQL (Structured Query Language) used primarily for querying and retrieving data from a database. While SQL encompasses a range of commands for data manipulation, DQL commands are focused exclusively on data retrieval. This example begins a transaction, performs SQL statements, and then rolls https://deveducation.com/ back the changes, restoring the database to its previous state. DCL, or Data Control Language, is a subset of SQL used to manage database security and access control. DCL commands determine who can access the database and what actions they can perform. Correlated subqueries are commonly used in the SELECT, WHERE, and FROM statements.

They can reorganize and change the order of the columns in the WHERE clause, but they are still dependent on the order of the columns in the indexes. It is important to know that not all databases are equal here, and that not all indexes are the same either. For example, the order of the columns is very important for composed indexes, as these columns are evaluated from the leftmost in the index creation order. This, therefore, does have an impact on potential performance over time. One assumption that many developers make when they start out around databases is that the order of columns does not matter any more.

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